🗃️ Radio Setup
4 items
📄️ Arming
Arming is a safety feature that checks a series of settings in the FC to make sure it is safe before allowing it to spool up. It checks for things like accelerometer calibration, gyro filtering, throttle not at minimum, RX not connected.
📄️ Lua Scripts
📄️ Backup and restore
Back up the configuration
📄️ Flashing the firmware
Install Rotorflight Configurator
📄️ Remapping (for DIY boards)
Rotorflight is based on Betaflight which is generally used to control drones. Unfortunately, drones do not have servos and have more motors than we need for a helicopter. In order to use servos with a Betaflight controller we must remap the pins so we have a pad to connect the servos to.
📄️ Servo Setup and Calibration
Step 1 - set frequency and center
📄️ Mixer Setup and Calibration
Before starting on this step the Servos should already be connected and calibrated.
📄️ RPM Measurement
In order to use the Governor or RPM filters (and why wouldn't you!!) you must measure the RPM. There are two options for this:
📄️ Governor
The purpose of the governor is to maintain a constant headspeed regardless of flight inputs, flying conditions, battery voltage, external disturbances, etc. In Rotorflight, the governor also provides other motor related features, like slow spoolup, autorotation control, battery voltage drop compensation, and fault detection and recovery.
📄️ Governor setup
There are several options for configuring the Governor.
📄️ RPM Filters
📄️ ESC Telemetry
The purpose of ESC telemetry is to provide a method of reading the values provided by the ESC. These are things such as RPM, Temperature, Voltage, Current and mAh consumed. This is accomplished by connecting the ESC telemetry wire to the flight controller with a spare UART.
📄️ ESC Forward Programming
Forward programming enables the connected ESC to be programmed via your transmitter rather than requiring a vendor programming box.
📄️ ELRS Custom Telemetry
Why Custom Telemetry
📄️ Adding an extra servo
Add an extra servo controlled by an AUX channel.
📄️ Two-Stage Gear Train Ratios
Having an accurate gear ratio for the main and tail rotor is essential for Rotorflight accurate RPM Filters performance.
📄️ Profile (Bank) switching example
📄️ Using Stability Modes (6G)
📄️ Getting started with LEDs
Introduction to LED strips
📄️ Swashplate Wiggle
The swashplate can be configured to 'wiggle' as an indication for when you are
📄️ Flashing Blheli_S ESC to Bluejay firmware
Rotorflight requires motor RPM telemetry to provide the Governor function and filtering of the gyro signal. This can be provided by the ESC via bidirectional D-shot telemetry. Blheli_S ESC's do not provide this feature as standard and the firmware has to be updated. Bluejay has been tested with many Rotorflight builds and is preferred due to the ability to disable Damped Light mode and loading individual ESC config.
📄️ OpenLager
OpenLager is a Blackbox data logger developed by dRonin.