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Version: 2.1.0

Getting Started

The general process for setting up a helicopter using Rotorflight.

This process is generic and may be slightly different, depending on your particular helicopter.

  1. Install the latest RF2 release
  2. Remap your servos and motors if you are using a Betaflight FC, otherwise, skip this step.
  3. Calibrate the Accelerometer.
  4. Check you Board alignment setting and adjust if necessary.
  5. Connect Receiver to a free UART and select corresponding receiver settings.
  6. Select Battery Voltage and Current Source as per you setup, and Set Battery Capacity and Cell Count.
  7. Select ESC Throttle protocol, and Optional: ESC Telemetry protocol, Set Gear Ratios, and Motor Pole Count.
  8. Optional: Select and Setup the Governor.
  9. Setup Servos.
  10. Setup and Calibrate the Mixer.
  11. Setup the Gyro RPM Filters.
  12. Set the Rates as per flying style.
  13. Set the PID Values.
  14. Setup ARMING, and other required modes.
  15. Setup Profile Switching and other Adjustments if required.
  16. Setup BLACKBOX Logging.
  17. Optional: Setup LUA Script on radio.