📄️ Status
A place for basic flight controller information. The status tab is the first tab you see when you connect to your flight controller. You can check the gyroscope live preview, view the arming prevention flags and other FC information.
📄️ Setup
📄️ Configuration
📄️ Receiver
One of the first things you should do is to connect a receiver to the FC. Your FC has several UARTs, and each UART has a TX and an RX. A receiver needs to be connected to an RX and/or TX pad, depending on the type of receiver.
📄️ Failsafe
Failsafe Tab
📄️ Power
Set up all your power and battery related settings. Set the voltage and current sensor sources and calibration so that the FC can read the values and warn you accordingly. You can also check the current power measurements.
📄️ Motors
The Motors tab is used to configure the ESC communications protocols ( Motor Control Protocol & Telemetry Protocol ) ,as well as to provide the ability to test motor operation. Depending on the selected ESC protocol and selected Rotorflight features, you might need to specify some other parameters as well.
📄️ Servos
Open the Servos tab and confirm that you have the correct number of servos. If this is not the case, please confirm you have installed the correct firmware (either 'M' motorized or servo tail) or if you are using a drone FC that your Remapping is correct.
📄️ Mixer
This section will describe the configuration of the mixer and calibrate the rotor blade angles.
📄️ Gyro
📄️ Rates
The purpose of rates are to change in flight sensitivity and rotation rates. The aim is usually to have several 'rates' that you can switch between during flight to change flight performance. Please see the profile switching example
📄️ Profiles
The purpose of profiles are to store in flight tuning parameters. The aim is usually to have several 'profiles' that you can switch between during flight to change flight performance. Things like different headspeeds, tuning, rescue settings etc can be 'tuned' for the individual flight mode. Please see the profile switching example
📄️ Modes
📄️ Adjustments
There are total 32 adjustment slots, each assigning an AUX channel to a configuration parameter or a special function. An adjustment slot consist of an enabling condition, an adjustment function, and parameter limits.
📄️ LED Strip
📄️ Beepers
To Do
📄️ GPS
Rotorflight currently only uses GPS for telemetry. Return to home, and other autopilot features are not available.
📄️ Sensors
On this tab you can enable or disable trending for each sensor. This is for testing and confirmation that each is working correctly.
📄️ Blackbox
What is Blackbox
📄️ CLI
This tab is the CLI or Command Line Interface. It is a method for sending commands and settings to the flight controller. We can also backup and restore our configuration using this tab.